Monday, May 28, 2012


I want everyone to think about something. Think about your typical day. You get up and hug and kiss your kids. Maybe go for a run, finish a project you were working on. Maybe you go to lunch with some friends. Take your kids to the park, or just have a movie night in. Imagine that all that is suddenly taken away from you. You can no longer wrap your arms around you kids, kiss them on the forehead or even see them at all. You cant go shopping, work in your garden, go on a date with your spouse, or even cook dinner for your family. I used to think my life was somewhat borring and predictable. Sure, I was happy. But sometimes the days got long, the kids fought too much, or I was just sick of figuring out what to cook for dinner. My perspective has changed now. I would do anything to get back my borring life! Im sorry to say it took a trial of this magnitude to change my perspective. So please, don't learn the hard way like me. Put down your phones, turn off the TV. Spend time with your family and show them that they are the most important thing in your life. We never know what tomorrow will bring. Don't waste today.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jan, Thank you so much for this precious reminder! I am so sorry that you are going through this. But I thank you for sharing the wisdom that you are being forced to gain.We are listening! We are praying for you! I will listen to and hug my kids more tomorrow, thanks to you. Keep writing! Keep Fighting!!
