Thursday, January 10, 2013

Marc and Janette's Anniversary

Ten years ago I married my eternal companion and became the luckiest man to have Janette Baron Andersen in my life. She blessed me in so many ways and loved me so unconditionally, it hurts so much not to see her beautiful smile everyday. She taught me what it truly means to give of oneself and forget your own needs. She is the reason I am who I am and where I am today, a father of two beautiful boys and graduated from Samford University with a PharmD degree.

Jan always said she struggled with patience and had a hard time waiting for anything! I watched her go through some amazingly painful procedures and receive some of the most potent chemo available. She did it with such grace and patience I will never know or be capable of. Nurses who took care of her would attest to this. She would many times be in so much pain that the nurses would ask what her pain level was out of ten. With a gritted smile she would say. "Oh about an eight or a nine, could I please get some morphine." But, being Jan, she knew the nurses were understaffed and that they were dealing with an even more difficult situation in the next room so she would add, "but I know you're busy so whenever you get to it!" I wouldn't have been so patient! Jan always reached out to others and cared for them. Her two boys were her pride and joy, her calling in life that she was so good at without any guidance. She somehow just knew what to do in every situation.

Many of you on Facebook and Jan's blog brought her so much comfort while she was hospitalized or just having a bad day. It was therapeutic for her to talk with you, share her fears and desires each day. Thank you for taking the time out of your lives to bless her when she needed it. Thank you for helping me during this time

Thank you Jan for the best 10 years of my life. I love you sweetheart!