Friday, July 13, 2012


I wanted to share with you the miracle that has happened the last two days. When the doctors told me that my Leukemia had returned, I was terrified. Marc and my mom were with me and the news hit us all like a ton of bricks. After the doctors left and we were packing up my room for me to go home we were all pretty silent. By the time we left the hospital something amazing had happened. We felt peace. Not the peace of someone naively believing that everything will be ok. We know the seriousness of my situation and we are terrified. But we felt peace that only our Heavenly Father can give us. Shortly after Marc and I began discussing how peacful we felt we began recieving phone calls from family members. One after the other they spoke of a frantic prayer said, and immediate peace. Thankfully it has stayed with us which has enabled me to enjoy my time with family. At first I was nervous that I would loose it infront of the kids and scare them. But I haven't even come close. I know that the road ahead will be extremely difficult, and probably quite long. But I know that I am being held in the arms of my savior. He knows that past, present and future. His plan for me is perfect. I am going to fight my hardest and I know that he will make up the difference.


  1. Janette you are my HERO!! I had a dream last night about me, you, and Kiersten all hanging out with our GROWN up children. I was so upset yesterday but then having this dream I felt peace then getting on and reading your blog. You are absolutely amazing and the strongest woman I'll ever know. Have so much fun with your boys.

  2. Well Sweet Girl, we didn't call you, but we have definitely prayed for you more then ever. I am so glad the peace of our Saviors Atonement and His Love is wrapped around you and carrying you. We pray that you have a cherished time with your precious family and that the peace you feel will sustain you through the upcoming journey. We Love You!
