Monday, November 28, 2011

Spotlight Supporters

I am Becky and Marc is my brother. In our family my mom had 5 girls in a row and then the 3 boys. Janette was the first “sister” that was brought into our crazy group of girls and she has weathered that storm quite well. We love her like she has been with us all along. One thing we noticed right off about Janette is that she is a planner. They plan everything. From the moment they laid eyes on each other they planned to be together forever and ever. We have been so proud of them as they picked up their family and moved across the U.S. to Alabama to attend Pharmacy school. As long as they had each other they could do anything. And Janette is a HUGE support to Marc as he is finishing Pharmacy school right now as we speak. Well, the plan was to move back to Utah in December! We were all so excited and so proud! They needed to dust themselves off from 4 years of super hard work of being a full-time student and a full-time stay-at-home mom. How did they do it you ask? Student loans. And they planned those out to the last dollar too. They would live with Jan’s parents and Marc could finally start to earn some money for his family. Well – they didn’t plan cancer. It has changed their whole plan. The saying that bad things happen to good people could not be more true. They are staying in Alabama for treatment – it is the best thing for them. The friends that surround them in Alabama are the greatest blessing that we could ask for. There is so much that I want to do for them but distance keeps us from doing it. I truly believe that Alabama feels the aching of our hearts – and they are our hands. There are so many people who have asked what they can do to help. What we hope to do for them is to donate money so they can afford to stay in their apartment that is close to the hospital, pay the utilities and finish up the last weeks of his schooling. I know that Marc and Janette would never ask for this, but me being his sister, I know what their worries are. My prayers would be answered if they don’t have to waste one ounce of worry on whether the bills are paid. We just want them to be able to focus on getting Janette well and continue living together forever and ever.
That’s the plan.

Thank you all for supporting our family. They deserve it.


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