Monday, November 28, 2011

Medical update!!

Well, I got a new doctor today (they work 2weeks on and 2 off) and when he came in the first thing he asked was if I was still in high school. Awesome. You should have seen his face when I told him I was 27with two kids!!! So, after he got over his shock he was very impressed with how well I am doing! My ANC is up to 30 today (it has been hanging at zero for 5 days!) which means I'm beginnings to build immunity again! They are doing a bone marrow test tomorrow morning so by Wednsday we should know if the chemo worked! They said that with how well I'm doing they see no reason why I shouldnt be home by the 9th for Conners Christmas program! Thank you for all your prayers everyone!!!! -by the way, I still have my hair! Maybe I will get another miracle and it will stay awhile longer!

1 comment:

  1. Janette, you are amazing, and by the way, you still look FABULOUS, cancer or no cancer!!! Your attitude is so inspiring....I hope to come see you soon and share with you some personal things that only someone who boasts "an ANC of 30!" can relate to...some personal things many don't know about me...but, in its own odd, special way, your posts about your ANC, etc., well, they make me smile...I won't go into my own story here, but just know that I have a very rare immune disorder and the term ANC has been a familiar one to me since I was 8 years old! (although my lowest one on record was 88...but PLENTY well below 500...that's when I wasn't allowed to go to school or really outside the house or hospital!)...anyway, a therapy was developed that literally turned my life that is part of your therapy, I'm sure. ;) Perhaps more on that later...just know I'm thinking of you and your sweet family every day, I've known about AML as long as I can remember, and had a friend face it head on. But you, well, YOU are something special with this! YOU will defeat almost seems obvious in your smile alone! Keep in touch...I would love to come visit you and share more of the "odd" things we have in common...I believe you will be surprised! Hang GOT this! :)

    P.S. My little Wesley (you know, Connor's "twin")...went with me to take a donation to Mindi for the special gift the ladies of the Relief Society are getting you...he realized who you were ("Connor's mom") and he seemed so sad....but we told him you were going to be ok and he still looked sad, but hopeful! He wanted to do anything he could to help you! :) Much love!!!!
